Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Hum 176 Wk 2 Media Convergence Worksheet
College of Phoenix Material Media Convergence Worksheet Write brief 250-to 300-word answers to every one of the accompanying: QuestionsAnswers What is implied by the term media intermingling as to innovation, and how has it influenced regular day to day existence? The term media assembly concerning innovation is characterized as a procedure of joining together the broadcast communications and PCs and transforming them into one electronic or computerized form.The media union has influenced our regular day to day existence as we probably am aware it from various perspectives, you would now be able to sit in front of the network shows, tune in to music and shop web based utilizing your PC all without leaving the security of your home. Utilizing the PC you can likewise impart utilizing the email, or visit alternative on the PC, dispensing with the need to call from your telephone. Facebook is another choice that permits you to stay aware of loved ones, while knowing where they are at all times.The web is a performing multiple tasks bit of gear that has supplanted numerous types of correspondences. Hard back books have been supplanted with digital books, which can be electronically downloaded from your PC. The manner in which we sit in front of the TV has additionally changed, there are such a large number of things that we can do through the TV. You can program your home lights and cautions from you phone through the TV. You can likewise convey through you TV to other people, trading the requirement for a telephone.The TV and the web are only two instances of media union, that has changed the manner in which we shop, impart, tune in to music, watch the news and teach ourselves, it should all be possible utilizing the PC and associating with the web. Individuals in reality live on the web and are getting less social, on the grounds that there is no compelling reason to leave their home for anything. What is implied by the term media intermingling as to business, and how has it influenced ordinary life?The term media union concerning business is the mix of figuring and data preparing with media transmission systems gave from magazines, music, and amusement programs. This uniting joins figuring, interchanges and substance. A model would be content that has been changed through various types of conveyance, computerized structures are transmitted through broadband or remote for survey on PC s or comparative gear, mobile phones, individual advanced aides, to video recorders that associated with TV (technology).Business enterprises (media, innovation, and media transmission) have joined and grown new thoughts that can expand benefit from the consumers’ developing requirement for â€Å"on request content†. Numerous investigators see media assembly as consummation of the old media and ascent of the new media (industry). A portion of the numerous progressions that have influenced our lives because of media combinations in the business are the manner in which we see data, the manner in which we do ordinary assignments and our worth system.As an outcome we presently have PDA or individual computerized associates this gadget is a compact electronic note pad/PC that store data, keeps notes, locations, updates, and has a schedule. It is a smaller than expected PC that permits you to everything that you can do with a PC utilizing a pointer instead of the console. It fits in your pocket or tote and individuals depend on this gadget so as to work in regular day to day existence. The cell phone is additionally a gadget that individuals depend on and they couldn't perform straightforward obligations without it.You can message, email, talk, shop, watch motion pictures, mess around, use face book and twitter all from the advanced mobile phone. This takes out a one on one conversation with a companion or relative and removes the individual bit of non-verbal communication and having eye to eye discussion. What are a portion of th e issues that outcome from reliance on present day media? Depict at any rate three issues. A portion of the issues that outcome from reliance on current media are the expansion of getting pulled back from society, the loss of social abilities and individual associations with companions, family and other cherished ones.Another issue that can emerge because of reliance is the opportunity of turning out to be what is known as a â€Å"media junkie†where the cutting edge media takes inclination over whatever else (putting some distance between the real world). The phone has removed our capacity to appropriately speak with one another by utilizing slang and shortenings instead of legitimate English. Individuals are getting less dynamic, less noticeable, and trusting with one another. Studies have demonstrated that â€Å"gamers†or individuals who mess around (game competitions) over the web for quite a long time and hours ceaselessly are probably going to lose social skills .People with addictions or reliance on present day media are like those of a medication someone who is addicted. It has been appeared to create pain and disconnection in numerous individuals who are denied from these gadgets. I believe that this a significant worry for guardians of understudies and this more youthful age. Reliance on present day media has caused up to rely upon cell phones to read a clock as opposed to wearing a watch. We text each other to impart instead of utilizing the telephone to talk, and rather than viewing the new we go to confront book for the most recent data, supplanting the family time together watching television.These are only a couple of instances of the issues that outcomes from the reliance on present day media. How does media education help with capable media utilization? Media proficiency assists people with building up an educated understanding the nature regarding broad communications. This mindfulness will set you up to settle on savvier choice concerning issues that are confronting our general public, aftereffects of reliance, advancement of inadmissible conduct and misusing individual issues for benefit and different major issues that can emerge because of media consumption.The measure of accessible data is overpowering and media deliberately advances perilous tricks, viciousness, even sex entertainment. The media impacts our general public through this data and corrupts our virtues, social qualities, and honesty. Media has formed the manner in which we live, think, impart and our ways of life. We have vehicles that can leave themselves, we speed date, we date on the web, from connections on the web, and the media has assumed a job in every last bit of it. Media utilization is essential to keep us from falling into the catch of turning out to be separated and less social.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Developmental Profile free essay sample
This crucial relationship decidedly impacts a childs physical, mental, and passionate prosperity. It is profoundly esteemed by a great many American families. The film, Big Daddy, is an about a little fellow that has been sent back to live with his natural dad. He didn't have the foggiest idea about that he had a child, yet discovered not long after his mom died and the kid was brought to his home. The dad, played by Adam Sandler, assumes on the liability of raising the five-year-old young man. In the film, he receives a tolerant child rearing style and permits the youngster to settle on his own choices and rules. He doesn't give his child limits or rules. The film delineates that not having rules, rules or parental desires will bring about the kid settling on the correct choices for himself all alone. In any case, both our reading material and research demonstrates that despite the fact that these kind of guardians will in general be warm and steady with their youngsters, not defining rules and limits for kids to follow for the most part brings about kids who are insubordinate, rash and oppressive. We will compose a custom article test on Formative Profile or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Adam Sandler doesn't disapprove of his child, which is a primary quality of a tolerant style parent. Sandler was basically an asset for his child as opposed to a good example that ought to impart what is normal from his child. Tolerant style child rearing over a significant stretch of time will bring about youngsters that may experience issues with discretion and show egocentric inclinations that can meddle with appropriate improvement of companion connections. Later in the film, the kid displays his first indications of disobedience due to Sandler’s sort of child rearing; when requesting that his child accomplish something, the child over and over says what he needs and doesn’t acknowledge any arranging. Sandler yields. I decided to likewise investigate the film, Stepmom. It portrays the issue with joining families with guardians who contrast in their child rearing styles. The two families control and show similar kids, yet they can repudiate each other simultaneously. Numerous binuclear families run in to this child rearing issue when they choose to remarry. There are numerous scenes from the film that comprise of Julia Roberts, the progression mother, and Susanne Sarandon, the mother, contending because of contrasts in the manner in which they might want to bring up the little girl. The film appeared to be sensible and indicated watchers precisely what binuclear families are compelled to settle on. Openness is of the utmost importance for resolve these issues. In the scene that I have decided to show the class, the two moms are both paying special mind to the wellbeing of their little girl. They are both really worried about her, however have various feelings about the manner in which things ought to be taken care of. To spare the girl from disarray, I feel that it ought to be significant that guardians cooperate and keep an open line of correspondence. This will empower their girl to get limits and have a sense of safety about her own dynamic. As indicated by our book, it regularly gets distressing in a family when guardians don't concur on the best way to parent. The two guardians ought to recognize, regard and worth the child rearing jobs and assignments of the other parent. The Blind Side was another film that delineates the significance of a positive parent-kid relationship. This film shows the distinction that parent association and parental commitment can make in a child’s life. Prior to meeting the Touhy family, Michael was the aftereffect of uninvolved, careless child rearing. He was the 6th kid out of the twelve that she had. His folks were not worried about his needs, whereabouts or encounters at school. His dad had left well before he was conceived and his mom was progressively worried about medications and battling for herself instead of her kids. At the point when Michael joined the Touhy family, his enthusiastic needs were at last being met. Their family gave him the security, love, trust, warmth and confidence that he had been missing. As delineated in the film, Mrs. Touhy turned out to be engaged with Michael’s life. She took a functioning enthusiasm for what was happening with school. At the point when she saw that he was battling, she immediately got him the assistance he required. As indicated by our course book, kids who have a sense of safety and safe will investigate and learn all the more promptly. Beginning with a base of security, Mrs. Touhy could additionally improve Michael’s advancement by giving scholarly incitement. She urged him to set objectives, try sincerely and remain concentrated on the prize. With utilization of order strategies gained from the sport of football, Mrs. Touhy helped Michael build up the discretion that will empower him to be effective with anything he does. There are such huge numbers of reasons why the parent-kid relationship is so significant during advancement. I accept that motion pictures can educate and move great child rearing, yet they can likewise be ridiculous and wrong. Media has a colossal impact in the dynamic procedure of everybody. The clasps that I have picked, I feel, have demonstrated genuine instances of various child rearing styles and the estimation of good child rearing. Steinberg, L. (2001). We know a few things: Adolescent-parent connections everything considered and prospect. Diary of Research on Adolescence, 11, 1-19.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
How Audiobooks Helped Me Through My Postpartum Depression Reading Slump
How Audiobooks Helped Me Through My Postpartum Depression Reading Slump Pre-baby, I read 100â€"150 books a year. Of course I knew my life would change once my daughter was bornâ€"I expected a decrease in my readingâ€"but what I didnt expect was the depression. Sure, I knew postpartum depression was a thing, and I knew it could affect anyone, yet still I didnt expect it to happen to me. I wanted my baby so much. Why would I experience depression? (Cue hormonal changes.) With the depression, my reading didnt just decrease, it almost stopped altogether. In the month of Marians birth, I read three tiny books. The same goes for January. And February. In my mind, any moment not spent on Marianâ€"even when she was sleepingâ€"made me a bad mother. I felt overwhelming guilt over every moment to myself. I tried to convince myself it was the baby blues, and would soon be over. I told no one, except my husband, how I felt. But as the weeks turned into months and I still felt overwhelmingly depressed and guilty, I finally reached out and sought help. Now, with the aid of medication, I feel as close to normal as a new mom with a seven-month-old can feel. And I can read again. Once the medicine kicked in, I realized I missed my books. But at the time, Marian was resisting naps except when I took her on walks. Only then would she sleep. I also started working two days a week. So when and how to read? Audiobooks were an obvious answer, so I went to my fellow Book Riot contributors for recommendations, and they, as always, had suggestions. I started with The Clothing of Books, a collection of essays by Jhumpa Lahiri that explores her thoughts on her book covers. I then read Shrill by Lindy West and Born with Teeth by Kate Mulgrew. But what really helped bring me out of my reading slump and make me feel something not pertaining to my baby again was We Are Never Meeting in Real Life by Samantha Irby. Samantha Irby reads the audiobook and is so self-deprecatingly funny and honest; it was exactly what I needed. I laughed at her stories about her cat Helen Keller, I cried when she related her experiences growing up with a disabled mother, I cringed at her descriptions of Crohns disease. I became caught up in her story and hours passed at work where I didnt feel guilty or obsess over my little one. I listened while taking Marian on walks, using the speaker on my phone rather than headphones in case she needed me. At one point, right when Irby began describing the first time she used a strap on, a group of middle school girls started walking beside me and I had to desperately fumble for the pause button. But hey, it was probably a lot more interesting to them than whatever theyre reading in middle school. ?? Samantha Irby and I have very little in common. But she made me feel like a human again. I went on to listen to Meaty, Educated, The Sun Does Shine, and The Poet X. These books transported me into different perspectives, helped me empathize and, through listening to others stories, heal. I also listened to Eloquent Rage, So You Want to Talk About Race, and Being Mortal. These audiobooks allowed me to question and deepen my way of thinking and being in the world. To work on myself. Of course, I read many books every day to my daughter, but I needed to expand my own way of thinking, not just hers. Contributor Jaime Herndon had a similar experience as mine, except instead of turning to audiobooks, she found solace in comic books. Whatever the way, books can help heal, as theyve proven to me before. I started reading print books again too. The years halfway over, and Ive read 40 books. I probably still wont reach my norm of 100â€"150 books, but thats okay. I never expected to, and thats not the point. The point is, Im doing something I love again. And Im happier for it. Sign up for Audiobooks to receive the latest from the audiobooks world. Thank you for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Social Networking Sites Are Destroying Our Society
As the year’s progress, technology becomes more and more advanced. There are more resources and programs that people can use on a daily basis, one of those being social networking sites. Social networking sites are mainly known as positive resources but many may not know the damages it can create. There are various dangers that come along with those networking sites, some that people may not even know it is occurring. These dangers are more commonly found in teenagers because they are more susceptible to it, especially when it comes to technology and being online. Social networking sites are destroying our society, mainly teens, causing them to become acquainted with these dangers known as: addiction to being online, prevention of face to face interaction, and construction of false identity for themselves. Most people believe these networks did not exist until quite recently but they began in the 1980s even before the internet. According to the article, â€Å"Introduction to Online Social Networking: Current Controversies†it was then called â€Å"computer conferencing†. It did not affect many people during that time period because most of them did not have computers at home and those who did would get charged every minute spent online with slow access to it compared to today. In the article it states, â€Å"there was, to be sure, one form of online communication popular among teens who owned computers in the 1980s: local electronic bulletin board systems (BBSs). These systems were free;Show MoreRelatedSocial Media And Its Effects932 Words  | 4 Pages Have you ever wondered why social media is so defective in your life, or why parents tell their children to stay off of social media? Social networking is unquestionably deficient for you physically, emotionally, and mentally. So when your parents ask you to stop checking your phone every five seconds you might want to listen. The majority of social networking users are teens or young ad ults(20’s). These people are, somehow, figuring out how to gain access to their phones at work, in the car whileRead MoreHow Social Networking Affects The Students And The Environment985 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Internet and mobile technology seems to be subtly destroying the meaningfulness of interactions we have with others, disconnecting us from the world around us, and leading to an imminent sense of isolation in today’s society†(Nilles, 2012). The ‘real world’ in my considerations is decades ago we used to go in person to speak to someone yet now with enhanced technology we can address to someone with one click through social networking sites. We send wishes, information and condolences all throughRead MoreWhy Social Networks Have Done More Harm Than Good in Our Society1366 Words  | 6 Pagestechnology in our society has become more dominant than it was in the 17th and 18th century. Today, technology is used for almost everything in our day to day lives. But the most common usage of technology is for communication and industrialization. However, every good thing has its disadvantage if it is over used, and since technology has become very dominant, it is used by both young and older people but more predominant among the youth of the today. Even more, technology has brought about social networkingRead MoreSocial Media Can Destroy Socialization849 Words  | 4 PagesSocial Media Can Destroy Socialization Science and technology has become a catalyst for human development. In recent years, the introduction of computers and the internet has dramatically changed the way we live and interact. From medical discoveries to transportation innovation, information access to space exploration, the internet provided most of the changes in our society at least in the last two decades. However, one possible outcome of such modification may be seen negatively as social networkingRead MoreSocial Media And Its Impact On Society924 Words  | 4 PagesSocial media is said to be the cornerstone for communications between everyone in the world. Social media refers to the interaction among individuals in which they create, share, and/or exchange information and ideas in cyber communities and networks. Social media sites negatively affect society by destroying an individual’s ability for independent thinking; consequently, these sites should be banned. There are many psychological effects, constan t distraction social media provides for people, andRead MoreTeachnology Makes Life Easier820 Words  | 4 PagesSince the beginning of the new century, technology has become the focus of our society. We are continually trying to push barriers of technology for the purpose of making our lives easier. Shattering these barriers have a revolutionized our lifestyle to the point where it has changed the convention methods of communication, and created ways for us to be more efficient in complete the simple task of cleaning our house to the creation of skyscrapers. . One of the great debates of technology is technologyRead MoreSocial Medi Destroying The American Youth Of Today Essay736 Words  | 3 Pages2014 Social Media Social media might be destroying the American youth of today. Social media are several websites and applications created so people may commutate, collaborate, or share information through social networking. Enough though social media sounds great, there are big issues such as, cyber bullying, lower grades, and wasting an incredible amount of time. These are things we should all be cautious about when we allow younger folks enter the world of social media. Initially, social mediaRead MorePro And Cons Of Social Media1168 Words  | 5 PagesSocial Networking, More Like Social NOTworking Picture this, you just got the greatest haircut of your life. Feeling good, you take a selfie and post it on Instagram with the caption, â€Å"Feelin’ good.†A few hours later, you get a notification that someone commented on your picture. That comment reads, â€Å"You’re feeling good about THAT haircut? LOL!†You were just a victim of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is one of the many negative effects of social networking and social media on teens, and could createRead MoreImpact Of Technology On Children s Youth1669 Words  | 7 Pagesvulnerable to the dangers technology brings. In the field of Communications we used technology to broaden our ways to communicate with individuals and society as a whole. Mass media uses social networking sites as a way to keep in contact with their audience and However, as we echnology has altered the way life was once lived where youth relied on themselves and others to communicate and solve social, mental, and personal problems now, youth now depend on the touch of a button to communicate and solveRead MoreThe Change in Language Due to Social Media 1208 Words  | 5 Pagesfast development of social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook, that has took place over the last 3-4 years, is indicative of its entry into our personal lives. Social media has led to the most significant changes in the way we communicate with each other and the linguistics we currently utilise. Phone texting over social media is also a rapid expansion in which it influences young individuals to use short phrases to conserve less time. In general social networking is wide-reaching rebellion
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Evolution Of Video Games - 1164 Words
The Evolution of Video Games FULL OUTLINE Specific Purpose: To inform my guidance about the evolution of video games. Central Idea: Video games have evolved over time as technology has advanced from 8-bit 2D graphics to the high quality of games they have become today. Introduction: I. As a kid we all had that favorite video game, whether it was Super Mario Bros., Pokà ©mon, or Crash Bandicoot. II. As we have grown up we have watched the video games we used to play evolve to what is out there now and then turn to previews of what is upcoming in video games. III. With each new generation of game consoles along come new games that grew to be very popular. A. A game to represent the past is Super Mario Brothers. B. A game to show off†¦show more content†¦A. It was the first home video game console system. 1. 12 Games were included with each system. 2. Customers could buy extra games by packs of 6 or individually. B. A few months later, in November of 1972 Pong was created. 1. Allan Alcorn, a worker of Atari, created Pong which was the first video game that had great success. 2. Pong was created based on an idea from in the game Magnavox Odyssey. 3. Because of this, Atari had a lawsuit filed against them, but was later handled. C. The best-selling gaming console of its time, would be the NES, also known as the Nintendo Entertainment System. 1. It was also named by IGN the â€Å"single greatest video game console in history. 2. The NES has a 72 pin design that you would plug into the system to play games. 3. The most well-known game for the NES is Super Mario Brothers. 1. Gameplay, graphics, and sound were the best that NES could go. 2. Quoted an article from the Academic Questions, VerBruggen states â€Å"By far, the single biggest factor driving the evolution of video games is technology. For decadesâ€â€from the earliest games until the early 1990sâ€â€almost all video games were two-dimensional.†3. As technology became more advanced, the games and consoles became more complex into the 3D games today. (Transition: If you don’t remember playing the older games as much, maybe you will recognize some of the games around today.) II. Fast-forwarding to 1994 Sony
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cultural Sensitivity in Counseling Native Americans Free Essays
string(60) " doing what is right for oneself and for one’s community\." Three of the most popular techniques in use by the counseling profession were examined in relationship to Native American culture and worldview, in order to determine the reasons for their ineffectiveness among these people groups. The results indicate that a lack of understanding and sensitivity to Native American culture and belief systems by counselors may be the major contributing factors in the failure of these methods to produce lasting change. Three alternative methods were then investigated. We will write a custom essay sample on Cultural Sensitivity in Counseling Native Americans or any similar topic only for you Order Now Together, these examinations show that cultural sensitivity and an in-depth understanding of belief systems and practices are critical in helping Native Americans heal from historical traumas and affect real transformation within the Native American community. Cultural Sensitivity in Counseling: A Perspective on Native Americans Why is it that many Native Americans fail to benefit from counseling? Why is there such an enormous â€Å"burn-out†rate among counselors who work with this people group? These questions are becoming increasingly more important in the counseling profession. There have been many studies on competencies and practices in multicultural counseling. One such study although dealing primarily with career counseling (Vespia, Fitzpatrick, Fouad, Kantamneni, Chen, 2010), reinforced the necessity for training in developing a counselor’s competency with diverse cultures. Another study which dealt specifically with psychotherapy (Lambert, Smart, Campbell, Hawkins, Harmon, Slade, 2006), echoes this sentiment. However, the cause of ineffectiveness may not necessarily be the incompetence of counselors, but their tendency to use inappropriate methods which fail to consider the unique cultural heritage of Native Americans. These culturally-insensitive methods can sometimes compel clients to violate basic personal values. For example, Native Americans place great emphasis on a harmonious co-existence with nature. If a counselor advocates individual responsibility for mastering the environment, he is, in fact, asking his Native American client to disregard a part of his client’s cultural belief system. Take the case of Robert Red Elk (not his real name), a White Mountain Apache, hired at a manufacturing plant in Phoenix, Arizona. Robert’s supervisor witnessed many instances where Robert’s fellow employees asked to share his lunch or complete their work assignments. Robert never refused and willingly overworked himself (to the point of exhaustion) finishing the tasks of others. Eventually, after several absences from work, Robert was referred to counseling by his supervisor. The counselor, after an initial assessment, enrolled Robert in assertiveness training. The counselor, however, failed to understand one very important aspect of Robert Red Elk’s value system: Native Americans are not individualistic. Their culture places great value on sharing and service. There are over 500 federally recognized Indian tribes in the United States. Each tribe has its own beliefs, customs and traditions. Many Native Americans have left the reservation and know very little of their tribal culture, having assimilated into White society. There are, however, many common threads running through Native American culture and philosophy, which if misunderstood can open a breach between counselor and client that can be difficult to heal. For the purposes of this paper, we will be dealing primarily with Native Americans raised and residing within traditional Indian reservation communities. These individuals have retained much of their cultural identity, as opposed to those who have moved into the cities and have become westernized into the White culture. Nearly every tribe has wide-spread personal and social issues which are threatening lives and creating broken homes and broken people. Compared with other racial and ethnic groups, Native Americans have more serious problems with mental health disorders (Olson Wahab, 2006, p. 19-33). For example, on the Pine Ridge Reservation of the Lakota Sioux, over 50% live below the poverty level. In 2007, the suicide rate there was 3. 2 times that of Whites, between 50% and 90% were unemployed, and the death rate due o alcoholism was 7 times the national average (Diller, 2007). Counselors employ many methods in an attempt to help Native American clients heal from brokenness. This investigation will examine three popular techniques: Free association, cognitive therapy, and behavior modification. In addition, we will discuss why these methods are failing with many Native American clients. First, however, there is a need to explore the average Native American value system. The Native American Value System Silence and Talking. Native Americans believe that listening is the best way to learn. They understand that there are many â€Å"voices†to hear, not merely from other people, but from the earth, the wind, the sky, and the animal kingdom. They listen not only with their physical ears, but with their whole being in an attitude of â€Å"watch, listen and then act†(Nerburn, 2002). They believe it unwise to speak before completely formulating one’s thoughts. They understand the power of words, and so they speak carefully, choosing words judiciously. In most non-native cultures, interaction with others must be filled with words and speaking that can sometimes become argumentative. Just the opposite is true in most Native American cultures. When asked a question, there will normally be a pause before answering, because any question worthy of an answer is worth considering. When they finally do speak, it is expected that the hearer will listen. Interrupting is considered rude and a sign of ignorance. This practice of silence has a tendency to disconcert someone who is unfamiliar with it, and historically, Caucasians have viewed it as a sign of stupidity. Freedom and Honor Native American cultures value honor far above freedom. Honor is the internal guide for nearly everything they do. The focus is more on what is right, rather than what is wrong. This is one reason why Native Americans have a difficult time understanding the concept of sin. In addition, honor is something that cannot be taken away. If one loses his freedom, he still retains his honor. These views of freedom and honor are very different from those held by western peoples. In the White world, honor means paying homage to or admiring an individual’s accomplishments. To the Native American, honor means knowing and doing what is right for oneself and for one’s community. You read "Cultural Sensitivity in Counseling Native Americans" in category "Papers" It has no relation to laws or the desire to avoid punishment. Freedom only becomes important after one has been â€Å"chained up,†either literally or by the enactment of laws and restrictions (Nerburn, 2002). All My Relations and Racism According to the New Lakota Dictionary, â€Å"Mitakuye oyasin†translates to â€Å"all my relatives†in Lakota Sioux (Ullrich, 2008, p. 37). The concept of all my relations constitutes an understanding of and honor for the sacredness of each person’s individual spiritual path. It acknowledges the sacredness of all life (human, animal, plant, etc. ) and creates an awareness that strengthens not only the individual, but the entire pl anet. It essentially means that everything is inter-related. In the living of daily life, all my relations â€Å"means learning how to connect with certain constructive or creative forces, and disconnect from destructive forces†(Portman Garrett, 2006). It’s the understanding that whatever hurts one aspect of the world hurts everything else. Rolling Thunder, the late spiritual leader of the Cherokee and Shoshone tribes, said, â€Å"Too many people don’t know that when they harm the earth they harm themselves, nor do they realize that when they harm themselves they harm the earth†¦We say there’s room for everyone, if we all share as brothers and sisters†(â€Å"Plowboy Interview,†1981). This belief in the brotherhood of the human race is one reason why Native Americans abhor racism. Another reason is their suffering because of it. From the 1490’s to the 1890’s, Europeans and white Americans engaged in an unbroken string of genocide campaigns against the Native people of the Americas†(BigFoot Willmon-Hague, 2008, p. 54). A study on multi-faith perspectives in family therapy made note of the following historical treatment of Native Americans: â€Å"In government and missio nary programs to educate and acculturate Indians in Christianity and Western ways, children were forcibly taken from their families to boarding schools and stripped of their cultural and spiritual heritage†(Walsh, 2010, p. 3). Consequently, Native Americans view racism as evil and most avoid retaliation, because they believe it creates a loss of honor. However, many American Indians still retain an inherent mistrust of Whites (Bryant-Davis Ocampo, 2006, p. 16). In a study on reservation violence, it was noted that traditionally one important factor regarding Native American philosophy was â€Å"humility to those with whom one does not share beliefs; and teaching nonviolent behaviors†(Hukill, 2006, p. 249). A reintegration with traditional beliefs and practices could help stem the violence on reservations. Concept of Time Native people are not enslaved by a clock or calendar. Their concept of time is related more to the seasons, nature, relationships, and life spans. Time is a cycle as, in the sacred hoop. Time is not measured in linear fashion, having a past, present and future. Living each day as it comes is linked to the belief that one should focus more on being than becoming. This concept of time can explain why Native Americans might be late for counseling appointments by the hour or by days. Adherence to a rigid schedule is not traditionally an Indian practice. Things are done as they need doing. Time is flexible and geared to the activity at hand. Some other examples of this concept of time are: * A right time and a right place, as opposed to making every minute count. * Today is a good day, as opposed to preparing for tomorrow. Other concepts that affect how Native Americans react to traditional counseling methods include striving for anonymity, discouraging aggressiveness (such as boasting and loud behavior), the value of inaction over action, and the use of tribal healing ceremonies. Understanding Native American healing practices requires helping professionals to have knowledge of the cultural belief systems that are unique for each tribal nation†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Portman Garrett, 2006, p. 455). Culturally Insensitive Counseling Methods Counseling methods that fail to consider culturally-relevant issues are realizing few successes with native peoples. Three of the most prominent techniques fail to take into account the Native Americanâ⠂¬â„¢s holistic belief system and attempt to merely change behavior by changing one’s thinking. Free Association. Free association is a spontaneous, logically unconstrained and undirected association of ideas, emotions and feelings in which words or images suggest other words or images in a non-logical chain reaction. The basic concept is for the client to sort things out, and assign reasons to their feelings, with the intention of changing unhealthy ideas and emotions into a more acceptable way of living. Native American clients typically shy away from participating in this type of activity, because they see it as senseless babbling that accomplishes little and makes a person appear to have lost their mind. They much prefer being silent and listening to talking and babbling themselves into a reasonable state of mind. In addition, they are very cautious about sharing personal and family problems, and have difficulty communicating their reactions to situations. Cognitive Therapy Cognitive therapy aims to identify and correct distorted thinking patterns that lead to feelings and behavior that are troublesome, self-defeating or self-destructive. The objective is to replace distorted thinking with a balanced view that leads to more fulfilling and productive behavior. Due to the epidemic of depression, alcoholism and suicide among Native Americans, this is an admirable objective for counselors to attempt to achieve. However, for a people, who are holistically-minded, cognitive therapy considers only one facet of the whole person, and ignores the connection humans have with nature and the world. This approach disavows the unity of the person, a central core belief in Native American culture. To separate the mind from the body and spirit, and with the rest of creation, is an illogical and foreign concept to them. In addition, most Native Americans are pragmatic and tend to see life in concrete terms rather than abstract ones. Therefore, â€Å"counselors may consider working from a holistic, wellness-based framework,†so that harmony and balance can be restored (Rayle, Chee, Sand, 2006, p. 72). Behavior Modification This approach is a treatment approach based on operant conditioning that seeks to extinguish or inhibit abnormal or maladaptive behavior by positive or negative reinforcement. As with cognitive therapy, behavior modification focuses entirely on one facet of the whole person. Native Americans are very resistant to this approach, because they do not always focus on their thinking. Historically, they have been exposed to the inconsistency of people thinking one way and behaving another way. According to Native American culture, behavior reflects belief. Attempting to change behavior from the outside and failing to deal with internal issues is viewed as a waste of energy and considered unproductive. Typically, Native Americans respond better to holistic methods that involve the whole person: body, mind and spirit. Culturally insensitive approaches to counseling can actually introduce a sense of mistrust into relationships between native clients and non-native counselors derailing attempts to help them overcome the issues that defeat them. This is one reason why Native Americans â€Å"underutilize mainstream mental health resources†(Parrish, 2006, p. 15). Culturally Supportive Approaches to Counseling As understanding and knowledge of cultural beliefs and practices grows, holistic approaches to counseling are becoming more prevalent in clinics and practices in which the majority of clients are Native American. There are several methods which are showing great promise in helping these clients. Inner Healing Prayer Because Native American culture is infused with the spiritual and encompasses a holistic view of the body, soul and spirit, the concept of listening, which is the foundation of this method, lends itself to a more culturally-relevant way of approaching the mental and emotional issues found among indigenous peoples. Native cultures are already accustomed to listening because of their practice of being attentive to the sounds of nature and the practices of oral traditions passed down through the stories of tribal elders. They understand that listening is one of the best ways to learn. The inner healing prayer can offer Native Americans a way to re-establish harmony with their body, their emotions, and their spiritual selves (Rayle, Chee Sand, 2006, p. 77), since it begins with addressing one’s emotional hurts. â€Å"It is counselor-led and client-consented prayer intervention with the specific intent of healing and breaking the chains of past traumas†(Clinton Ohlschlager, 2002, p. 240). When woundedness goes unresolved, it affects the whole person creating disharmony within the body, soul and spirit. Native American culture already understands this concept. The typical scenario is to give the client permission to experience what they feel, and allow their inner emotions to express themselves in a controlled, safe environment. Encouraging them to remember those painful places and the trauma that occurred there helps bring emotions to the surface where they can be explored, felt, owned, and released from the captured place within the spirit. Once accomplished, the counselor can then ask the Lord Jesus [Great Mystery] to minister His love and grace, revealing truth in whatever manner He chooses. The counselor then remains silent, encouraging the client to verbally express whatever is transpiring within them and articulate whatever truth the Lord is revealing to them. The counselor’s role is to discern whether the client is receiving truth from the Lord (according to the revealed Word of God) or error manifested from within themselves, which would constitute feelings and/or thoughts that run contrary to scripture. Once it is determined that authentic truth has been received, the counselor then asks the client what is now different about that traumatic event when they reconsider it. At this point, an entirely different perspective is usually revealed by the client. It is important when using this method, as it is with any technique, to â€Å"weave Western counseling techniques with elements of the AI [American Indian] culture, beliefs, and philosophy†(Rayle, Chee Sand, 2006, p. 73-74) [emphasis mine]. It is well to remember, however, that many Native Americans do not believe in the â€Å"white man’s God. It is important, therefore, to use terms for deity that are culturally relevant, such as Great Mystery, Great Spirit, etc. This approach has shown great potential in overcoming issues such as depression and addiction. Spiritual Talking Talking circles, storytelling and remembering/reflecting on life is very common in Native American culture. Many indigenous children receive the ir first life lessons sitting at the feet of their elders as grandmothers and grandfathers recount tribal stories that teach the traditions of the tribe (Rybak Decker-Fitts, 2009, p. 337). Since native people relate more to â€Å"the now,†it is very therapeutic to recall and embrace the good things in one’s present situation. Talking aloud about pleasant experiences helps clients see the good in their present circumstances and allows their spirit to â€Å"be as one†with their body-mind uniting them with the world at large. This enables them to see the big picture and brings everything into a healthy perspective. The role of the counselor in this technique is to facilitate the talking and keep the client on track, while providing a safe environment for them. Another form that spiritual talking may take is in the use of humor. Native cultures inherently understand the old cliche: Laughter is the best medicine. Encouraging clients to share comical stories and experiences can provide insight into the client’s identity and self-image. However, counselors should exercise caution in using humor. It should only be introduced â€Å"when and if the client invites it, meaning that the client trusts the counselor enough to connect on that level†(Garrett, et al. , 2005, p. 202). The Holistic Medicine Wheel or Red Path One of the most effective healing techniques and one which incorporates extensively the Native American culture is the Medicine Wheel, sometimes called the Red Path or Red Road. The Medicine Wheel is a symbol of Native America in which four colors (white, black, yellow and red) are used to represent the four directions and the four races of people (Caucasian, African, Asian and Indian), respectively. This symbol also represents the harmony and balance of the mind, body and spirit with nature. The Medicine Wheel is regarded as sacred among Native Americans, since â€Å"medicine†is a spiritual entity within their culture. The Medicine Wheel is recognized by all tribes and is a common symbol of unity. It represents healing, not only for oneself, but for the entire native community. This technique, when employed in the counseling setting, includes not only the counselor and client, but also family and friends. It can also be a good tool for use in group counseling where all participants share in a common issue. The facilitator/counselor invites all present to form a circle. The concept of the four directions and their meanings is then discussed. A good representation is: * East represents the rising sun and the spirit or inner being of man (red). * South is connected to full daylight and represents a connection with nature (yellow). * North is the home of winter and represents the mind or thoughts (white). * West is where the sun sets and is connected with the body or physical being (black). (Molina, Monteiro-Leitner, Garrett Gladding, 2005, p. 9). The counselor then explains the concept of circles within circles. Dallas Williard’s Model of the Person is an excellent starting pattern for this concept (Clinton Ohlschlager, 2002, p. 190). Molina, et al. explain this technique well: An inner circle represents the connection to one’s Spirit and to the Greater Spirit; an outer circle represents the importance of relationships with family members; and a community circle represents the importance of relationships with the greater community. At this point, volunteers sit behind each person in the inner circle, forming an outer circle. Finally, the remaining participants form a third circle, which lends support to the inner and outer circles. Throughout the process, life stories emerge. Counselors identify client strengths and validate their experiences, and participants offer support to one another and create â€Å"happy†endings to their stories (p. 9). This method helps clients see â€Å"how they create and remove the masks of the self†(Molina, Monteiro-Leitner, Garrett Gladding, 2005, p. 9). The removal of masks allows the client to be open with their true feelings and to see their issues from a different perspective. A doctoral dissertation by Mark Parrish (2008) offers another well-described view of the Circle Within Circles Approach: The elements of the circle within circles includes: (1) the spirit within us including the culmination of each individual’s experiences representing the power that comes from the very essence of one’s being; (2) the family and/or clan, the relational center of the community; (3) the natural environment and all of its relationships with living beings; and (4) the spirit world which includes the other elements as well as the Creator, ancestors and other spirit helpers and guides. In essence, all life is interdependent and exists in a dynamic state of harmony and balance which maintains a continuous flow and cycling of energy which each living being contributes to the Circle of Life (p. 16). The Medicine Wheel and the Circle Within Circles â€Å"serves as a reminder that all aspects of life are important and need to be balanced†(Rybak Decker-Fitts, 2009, p. 336). Although most individuals will still require more intensive therapy, the Medicine Wheel is a good starting point to help clients remember that they are not an island, but are connected to other individuals and to the world as a whole. Personal Reflections Understanding Native American culture, and learning their views life has caused me to reconsider my own lifestyle and my Caucasian worldview. As westerners, we are an inherently individualistic society, whereas Native Americans are more collective. The mindset and complex belief systems of indigenous people are more similar to God’s original plan for mankind than that which White society has developed. Jesus prayed to the Father for unity: that His followers would â€Å"be one, as we are. (John 17:11b, KJV). Native American culture appears to mirror His prayer more than that of Caucasians. Native Americans are more in tune with their spiritual natures than we, and were the original holistic healers. They understand the concept of man’s triune nature as set forth in 1 Thessalonians 5:23: â€Å"And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Ch rist†[emphasis mine]. This concept has been a vital part of their culture for hundreds of years, whereas we are just now (within the past decade) becoming more sensitive to a holistic approach in counseling and medicine. It is very interesting that as one learns the culture and values of Native Americans, one begins to see that there are many aspects that reflect basic biblical principles. Western counseling methods, which have been imposed upon the Native Americans for many years, are very foreign to a people who already understand an important truth of God’s Word. It makes much better sense to first understand their culture and beliefs and then adapt our methods and techniques accordingly, in order to be more effective facilitators in the healing process. Not only will these historically-wounded people be set free with true inner healing, but at the same time many may come into a full knowledge of and a relationship with the true Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus healed the blind man of his physical ailments before healing him of his spiritual malady. Therefore, if we connect with Native Americans through their ways of life, love them in Christ, and keep the Holy Spirit as the center of our ministry to them, many of these forgotten people can enjoy a fullness of life that only comes through the healing power of Christ. As a Christian counselor, I will be committed to providing the Native American people with a biblically-sound, culturally-relevant approach to helping them heal the issues from which they suffer, both historically and personally. As I become more knowledgeable in their beliefs, traditions and worldview, I can foresee a time when what I am learning now will blend with that insight to produce techniques which will enable me to be a more effective counselor to the people to whom God has called me to minister. Conclusion To be effective counselors within the Native American community, it is not enough that we increase our knowledge of psychology and our skills in counseling. We need to immerse ourselves in the cultural issues pertinent to each individual client and the community which has shaped them. This comes by understanding belief systems and cultural contexts, and determining what methods can and cannot work based upon these parameters. Native American culture is centered on certain holistic viewpoints: the wholeness of the individual (body, mind and spirit), the individual’s interconnectedness with creation, and the relationship all people have with one another. Counseling such a people involves understanding and respecting values, beliefs and traditions, and tailoring our methods and techniques around restoring harmony and balance in ways which do not demand or manipulate Native Americans into ceasing to be Native American. One very good exercise for assisting in the development of counselor competency in this area is cultural auditing, which is a â€Å"systematic and practical reflective method designed to address critical elements of the multicultural competency development process†(Collins, Arthur Wong-Wylie, 2010, p. 340-346). The 13 steps of this process lead counselors through the first to last counseling sessions by helping them reflect on key issues of culture that can help them develop competent strategies and monitor their practices â€Å"to ensure that the goals and processes of counseling are consistent with clients’ perspectives and needs†(Collins, Arthur Wong-Wylie, 2010, p. 341). In order for greater effectiveness to be realized in counseling Native Americans (and indeed people of all cultures), mental health professionals and researchers must understand that all methods do not work with all people. Milton Erickson, one of psychotherapy’s most respected figures, who was of Native American descent, understood this very well (Thomason, 2009, p. 351). A 40-year study of multicultural counseling, completed in 2008 by Michael D’Andrea and Elizabeth Foster Heckman, discovered many inconsistencies and out-dated methods being utilized with clients of diverse cultures, and called for researchers to â€Å"expand their outcome studies to examine the impact of other types of helping services among culturally different populations†(D’Andrea Heckman, 2008, p. 62). Their final statement summarizes beautifully what is needed for effective, long-term resolution for Native Americans: We suggest that the multicultural counseling movement is a movement of faith and hope: faith in counselors’ ability to generate new understanding of mental health from a multicultural perspective and hope that future counseling and research endeavors will be implemented to more ef fectively promote human dignity and development through people’s collective diversity (D’Andrea Heckman, 2008, p. 362). The increase of diverse of cultures within the United States makes it imperative (a) â€Å"that therapists have the skills to work with a variety of clients from a multitude of social backgrounds (Murphy, Park Lonsdale, 2006, p. 310); and (b) â€Å"for the counseling profession to take a proactive stance on cultural diversity†(Phiri-Alleman Allman, 2010, p. 157). Culturally competent counseling has been addressed by the American Counseling Association Code of Ethics (ACA) and the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). Both of these groups stress the importance of social and cultural diversity in training programs for counselors, and emphasize the need for culturally-relevant treatment planning, especially when working with Native Americans (Parrish, 2008, p. 17). The competency of multicultural counselors can best be developed by encouraging them to become knowledgeable in the beliefs, traditions and worldview of various cultures and utilize that knowledge to tailor their counseling techniques in ways that will boost the effectiveness of their practice. How to cite Cultural Sensitivity in Counseling Native Americans, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Coffee vs Tea free essay sample
Caffeine may reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease at least in men by enhancing the supply of dopamine. Coffee powder is made out of coffee beans. The high oxidant capacity of tea reduces the risk of cancer for habitual tea drinkers. Tea reduces the cholesterol levels, inhibits blood clots and protects heart by relaxing the blood vessels. Caffeine content and effects Tea: Tea has approximately 55 milligrams of caffeine per cup. We will write a custom essay sample on Coffee vs Tea or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Various teas contain different amounts of caffeine. Green tea contains the least, about one-third the caffeine as black and oolong about two-thirds as much. The caffeine in tea is said to increase concentration, and enhance the sense of taste and smell. The effect of caffeine in tea usually takes longer to enter the blood stream than coffee therefore, seems gentler to the system. About 80% of the caffeine in black tea can be removed easily at home Coffee: Coffee has approximately 125-185 milligrams of caffeine per cup. The caffeine in coffee is sometimes associated with a lift followed by a letdown. The effects of the caffeine in coffee are immediate and sometimes arouse feelings of anxiety known as coffee jitters. Many varieties of decaffeinated coffees are available on the market today. Note: Studies have shown that tea or coffee drunk in moderation (two [it reported] cups of coffee a day and four or five cups of black tea) has no harmful effects Lifestyle differences Tea is a genteel beverage requiring preparation and time to sip. The pace is always slow, calm and tranquil, the beverage soothing. On the other hand, the coffee culture can be fast paced and frantic. Images of people in lines at the drive-through talking into microphones and driving around buildings to pick up huge paper cups of the daily special come to mind. Popularity Coffee is extremely popular in the United States. The average American drinks 23 gallons of coffee every year.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
“Cheating is now mainstream in America†Essay Example
â€Å"Cheating is now mainstream in America†Essay Article â€Å"Cheating is now mainstream in America†Name: Course: Institution: We will write a custom essay sample on â€Å"Cheating is now mainstream in America†specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on â€Å"Cheating is now mainstream in America†specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on â€Å"Cheating is now mainstream in America†specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Instructor: Date: Article â€Å"Cheating is now mainstream in America†Cheating in America has taken a different toll on the lives of those affected. It was socially acceptable to cheat in taxation, on highways and lines. However, this has changed today; people are cheating in their personal lives. During the days of our ancestors, the youth were very respectful to grown-ups and each other. Edward Morrissey (2012) asserts that â€Å"the generation of â€Å"I’m ok, you’re ok†has stronger ties to moral relativism than to moral fortitude†. This means that young people today do not value the importance of transparency and openness in life. Cheating has become so rampant that examinations for college admittance have been constricted. Many students pay ‘experts’ to sit for these exams on their behalf. These ‘experts’ are also alias ‘ringers’ and it is purported that the parents of these students pay for such services. This scheme has been on going for a while as more blow average students were enrolled into prestigious colleges. This of course denies the students who are worthy of the admissions into these high-status colleges a chance to live their dreams. The new system of testing by use of photo identification is a brilliant method of curbing cheating however, it does not put to shame those caught cheating. Those found guilty should be punished and made to realize their mistakes. This humiliation will perhaps teach them a lesson or two about cheating. There is also the possibility of these students developing new ideas of getting around the new method to work to their advantage. What these students choose to ignore is the fact that as much as they have ‘earned’ their admittance in to Ivy League colleges, it is a continuous struggle to stay in these colleges as you have to keep your grades high, which is a concept these students do not understand. Cheating is not only done in academics, spousal cheating is increasing becoming popular. It has become a common phenomenon in families and relationships. Cases of spousal infidelity are not new today. Unfaithfulness has been around since before civilization and with the invention of the internet, it has become easier, cheaper and discrete. A good example is the Ashley Madison website, which offers its married clients the chance to cheat on their partners with other married people on the same site. In conclusion, cheating was witnessed in the Bible and the old days, but modern man has turned it into an industry. The stability of families and communities depended upon collective responsibility, but that is not the case today. The systems that guided people long ago have since perished, or maybe we are simply ignoring them. Moral relativism is what dictates the direction of our everyday lives because we do not like being judged over other people’s actions. This judgment is only acceptable if directly affects or touches our personal lives. Therefore, we should complain about the extent to which cheating in exams and marriages have developed. Reference Morrissey, E. (2012). Shameless! Cheating Is Now Mainstream in America. The Fiscal Times. 1-2.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
El Filibusterismo Essay Essays
El Filibusterismo Essay Essays El Filibusterismo Essay Paper El Filibusterismo Essay Paper Background: After the destiny of the Noli was sealed by the Spanish governments. prompted Rizal to compose the continuance of his first novel. He confessed. nevertheless. that regretted really much holding killed Elias alternatively of Ibarra. concluding that when he published the Noli his wellness was really much broken. and was really diffident of being able to compose the continuance and speak of a revolution. Consequently. as expected of a determined character. Rizal seemingly went in authorship. for to his friend. Blumentritt. he wrote on March 29. 1891: â€Å"I have finished my book. To a Filipino friend in Hong Kong. Jose Basa. Rizal similarly thirstily announced the completion of his 2nd novel. Having moved to Ghent to hold the book published at cheaper cost. Inevitably. Rizal’s following missive to Basa contained the tragic intelligence of the suspension of the printing of the subsequence to his first novel due to miss of financess. coercing him to halt and go forth the book hal f-way. Fortunately. Rizal was non to stay in desperation for long. A compatriot. Valentin Ventura. learned of Rizal’s quandary. He offered him fiscal aid. Even so Rizal was forced to shorten the fresh rather drastically. go forthing merely 38 chapters compared to the 64 chapters of the first novel. Title: Rizal had to specify the word filibustero to his German friend Ferdinand Blumentritt. who did non understand his usage of the word in Noli Me Tangere. In a missive. Rizal explained: â€Å"The word filibustero is small known in the Philippines. The multitudes do non cognize it yet. I heard it for the first clip in 1872 when the tragic executings ( of the Gomburza ) took topographic point. I still retrieve the terror that this word created. Our male parent forbade us to express it. every bit good as the words Cavite. Jose Burgos ( one of the executed priests ) . etc. The Manila newspapers and the Spaniards use this word to one whom they want to do a radical suspect. The Filipinos belonging to the educated category fear the range of the word. It does non hold the significance of plunderers ; it instead means a unsafe nationalist who will shortly be hanged or good. a assumptive adult male. †By the terminal of the 19th century. the word filibustero had acquired the significance â €Å"subversive†. The Ending There are a assortment of grounds for why the programs for a revolution ( in the book ) are non carried through every bit originally intended. but surely Rizal’s ain message ( as besides expressed by characters in the book ) is that force is non the preferable solution. and that. while alteration is necessary. it should come about peacefully and sanely. Major Fictional characters: Simoun – Crisostomo Ibarra reincarnated as a affluent jewelry maker. set on get downing a revolution Basilio Sisa’s boy. now an aspiring physician Isagani poet and Basilio’s best friend ; portrayed as emotional and reactive Kabesang Tales – Telesforo Juan de Dios. a former cabeza de barangay ( barangay caput ) who resurfaced as the feared Luzon brigand Matanglawin Paulita Gomez the girlfriend of Isagani and the niece of Dona Victorina. In the terminal. she and Juanito Pelaez are wed. and she dumps Isagani. believing that she will hold no hereafter if she marries him Father Florentino Isagani’s godfather. and a secular priest ; was engaged to be married. but chose the priesthood alternatively Don Custudio a celebrated journalist who was asked by the pupils about his determination for the Academia de Castellano. In world. he is rather an ordinary chap who married a rich adult female in order to be a member of Manila’s high society Ben Zayb Abraham Ibanez is his existent name. He is a journalist who thinks he is the lone one thought in the Philippines hypertext transfer protocol: //www. kapitbisig. com/philippines/el-filibusterismo-the-reign-of-greed-by-dr-jose-rizal-book-notes-summary-in-english-the-characters-the-summary-of-el-filibusterismo_202. html hypertext transfer protocol: //joserizal. ph/fi01. hypertext markup language
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Paraphrasing 850 words Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Paraphrasing 850 words - Essay Example This research method belongs to the category of qualitative research and lacks proper methodology and the methods involved in carrying out a case study research does not make the outcome of the research obvious to the researcher (Wilkinson, 2003). Researchers argue that the case study based research involves other research methods that are qualitative in nature and are used for performing research regarding a phenomenon or sociological imperative. In the field of business, researches are based on both the qualitative as well as the quantitative methods in order to develop an in-depth analysis of organizations (Yin, 2003). In case study research the methodology used includes those techniques that have already been used in performing investigations on phenomenon that are related to the field of social sciences. This research method helps researchers in collecting as well as analyzing and reporting of information and data in a systematic manner (Wilkinson, 2003). By conducting a case study based research the researcher is able to identify why a particular event took place and this will be helpful in conducting further research (Creswell, 2007). Researchers even believe that in this form of research the method used for the purpose of analysis is of utmost importance because in this method the focus is not only on human beings as well as teams, the focus is even on the procedure through which actions are conducted. When case study method is used it is essential to focus on a couple of issues while understanding the system that is being scrutinized (Creswell & Plano, 2007). While conducting the study the questions that were used for interviewing were tested for content as well as face validity. This was essential to identify whether the questions were effective in directing the process of the study. These questions were tested for content validity to obtain a sample of the various behaviors that were represented by
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Government Job vs Private Job Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Government Job vs Private Job - Research Paper Example The â€Å"game†presents no investment in the future of the company or corporation, its merle an exchange of wealth. This scenario contributes many problems to the current operating business atmosphere. Mergers bring about immediate economic problems that include, loss of markets to foreign competitors, continuing trade deficits, inadequate operating capital, declining productivity, debt-heavy corporations, and loss of many jobs. The debt is due mainly to financing in order to carry out the merger. These problems plus lagging research and development add to the complications of business operations after the merger is finalized. Another factor that has played a significant role in the situation of state and federal government budgets now are government financial bailouts. The first of these was the Savings and Loan Bailout of 1989 due to more than half of America’s Savings and Loans failing between 1986 and 1989. This was primarily due to lax government lending policies. These business bailouts have directly affected the budget, deficits, and economic stability of our federal and state governments. The US passed the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act in October 2008 for a $700 billion financial sector bailout. This resulted in the bank rescue of 2008, which called for a $250 billion cash infusion into the banking system. The bailout of Bear Stearns in April 2008 ended in lending the firm $29 billion to JP Morgan to buy the troubled firm. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac collapsed in the late summer of 2008. The federal government committed up to $200 billion to save both these giant mortgage lenders. Also, $100 billion in cash credits was guaranteed to each of them to prevent bankruptcy. American International Group (AIG), who was one of the largest insurance companies in the world. The government took control of the company and guaranteed them $85 billion in loans.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Price waterhouse Coopers (PwC) Assurance Operating Functions
Price waterhouse Coopers (PwC) Assurance Operating Functions The assurance line of service in PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) deals fundamentally with the audit of financial statements for both statutory and regulatory purposes, as well as, accountants reports for legal purposes. It encompasses of five operating units. The Operating Unit One and Two focus on insurance, real estate, pharmaceutical and life sciences. Operating Unit Three focuses on transportation, logistics, Government, Energy, Utilities and Mining. Operating Unit Four focuses on technology, and specialised fields such as financial services Practice, whereas the fifth operating unit (OU5), in which I was attached to, deals mainly with small and medium enterprises (SMEs) (PricewaterhouseCoopers Singapore, 2010). Structure and manpower of the Department The structure of the department was designed in a way that the staff from the lower ranks report to their seniors or managers of the next rank. With the increase in portfolios from the previous year, the company has been expanding their intake of high calibre candidates to join the profession. As of Dec 2010, the strength of the department was 132, being assisted by 5 administrative staff. The organisation chart of the department is laid out in Appendix A. Systems software used in carrying out the department functions The applications used in the department were both general and specialised for its functions. For example, the email application used for communication is Lotus Notes. In our department, the manager would select the team members for their engagements via an online booking system. Upon confirmation of the bookings, the administrator would proceed to update the scheduler Retain application and it will be used by the staff to keep track of their engagements. In addition, PwC uses Aura and MyClient to document the audit work done for every engagement. MyClient was the precedent of Aura which was introduced around two years ago. The implementation of Aura improves the documentation of the clients profile, work done, controls, risks assessments simultaneously as well as allowing the easy coaching and feedback from the engagement leader and manager to the team members. During the engagement, the team members carry out fieldwork at the clients place. These team members will then document the work done and their respective findings in Aura. Once they are done, they can mark the work as prepared and replicate with the server, so that the engagement manager can carry out review of the work and attach any coaching notes if needed. Lastly, the claims for expenses such as taxi fares and charging of hours worked would be done using the iPower application. iPower allows the staff to submit their claims and get approval from the manager in a standard format as the forms were generated electronically. Performance Indicator of the Department The department ended the calendar year 2010 with a blast. The performance exceeded its expectations as set previously. In 2010, the department has achieved the following performance: Diagram 1: Assurance OU5 Financial Report (Year ended June 30) Performance Indicators July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 Monthly Actual Revenue ($000) 1,083 949 847 839 988 960 Billable hours per month 12,158 9,868 9,198 10,246 9,456 10,977 Key challenges facing the industry Ability to maintain a consistent professional image globally One key challenge facing the assurance industry would be the ability to maintain a consistent professional image globally. Because of globalisation, it enables information to be transmitted at a faster rate, and the resulting impact will be multiplied. The discoveries about fraud in Lehman Brothers, as well as in the organisations locally, namely Singapore Land Authority, Singapore Red Cross Society, and M1 Limited, have casted doubts on the auditors credibility in signing the true and fair of these accounts The rising cases of these scandals, in light of ever-changing business conditions, high turnover rate and pressures to improve profitability and operations, have caused worries in stakeholders and many expect that the accounting and assurance personnel to be the watchdog to ensure the true and fair of the accounts. Similarly, organisations look to them to establish sound internal controls with proper organisation structures, so as to boost stakeholders confidence in them and to m aximise shareholders wealth. A common misconception would be that auditors are responsible for the discovery of fraud, which is incorrect. The management, as explained in the auditors report, is the responsible party. Furthermore, auditors do not perform audit on the 100 percent of the population as it would be cost-ineffective and time-consuming, they select samples that they considered as higher risks. Therefore, the auditors would only be able to provide a reasonable assurance based on the work done that the financial statements provide a true and fair view of the affairs of the company. If the auditors do not manage the risks well, the public would scrutinise the auditors and this would result in reputation loss. To remain ethical and independence at all times Another key challenge facing the industry would be to remain ethical and independence at all times. Professional services practitioners such as lawyers, accountants, auditors and doctors, are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the code of Professional Conduct Ethics of their respective boards. Unlike doctors and lawyers, an unique principle guiding the auditors would be independence, where they are expected to act with integrity and adopt an objective approach to professional work. This is because the client would pay the firm to audit their accounts, in which, the resulting opinion would be used by the other stakeholders, such as shareholders, investors and banks for decision-making. However, in my opinion, it is challenging to maintain independence and ethical. The managers bonuses are partially tied to the recoverability of their portfolio. As a result, they would succumb to raising the audit fees and controlling the time charged to the engagements. When faced with tight deadlines, the engagement teams would decide to reduce their coverage and sample sizes, increasing risk of exposure of detecting misstatements and control deficiencies. Recent developments in the sector No internal controls system in this world is perfect. Furthermore, it would be difficult to implement a sound system as each organisation operates in an environment that taps heavily on technology, and has different reporting structure and policies. To attain efficiency and cost-effectiveness, the agencies employed the use of information technology, wide span of control and have resulted in the concentration of duties in the hands of a few highly qualified technical personnel. As a result, segregation of duties, an essential element in internal controls, might be ignored. In June 2010, a fraud involving Singapore Land Authority (SLA)s experienced staff has been uncovered. Senior staff with SLA, Mr Koh Seah Wee was faced with 249 charges for a S$12 million fraud case. It was found that Mr Koh awarded and approved the payments for the contracts through the GeBiz system to fictitious firms. Fake invoices and fictitious services were said to be provided. As reported, each of the contract amounting from $2,600 to as much as $60,000. With these gains, Mr Koh purchased luxurious cars as well as private properties and investments in unit trusts. If fraud cases could occur in government agencies which the public held in high regards, there will be higher expectation on auditors to be alert during their fieldwork. Although our department do not deal with government agencies, there are still implications and learning points for us. The agencies and the SME firms have a lean organisation structure and very often, the staff strength is just sufficient for its operations. As such, one of our key concerns would be the controls over segregation of duties. During the engagements, we paid attention to the approval of the authorised personnel especially expenses incurred by top management, and vouched to ensure that these controls were actually carried out. Secondly, for one of the engagements, I vouched to the supporting documents for proof of authorisation, and found out that that the logistics manager did not sign on the delivery documents to indicate that she has matched the details in purchase order, delivery order and invoice. The reason given was that she was on maternity leave and there was no other available staff that was trained to cover her duties during that period. She was even asked to shorten her maternity leave to resume her work earlier. Furthermore, I observed that that logistics assistant actually signed for the manager, with the signature similar to her superior. From these, I have learnt that there if the client has the intention to hide information from the auditors, it becomes harder for us to detect any misstatem ents. In such situation, we must perform alternative testing, observe and make logical deductions in order to uncover the truth. Hence, we conduct a stock-take observation, which was required by their internal auditors. True enough, there was $20,000 worth of stock discrepancies because the differences were not rectified immediately when there were errors on the delivery documents. Recommendations For the recommendations for PwC, I suggested that the vocation trainees to be involved in the training sessions. During the internship, the trainees would follow the scheduled engagements and assist their seniors at work. However, the trainees do not receive any updates or attend any lessons, which were compulsory for their seniors. Without the updates such as incentives introduced the latest budget, the knowledge that we have would be restricted to what we have learnt in school. Hence, this might result in improper application of concepts. Furthermore, regular trainings would provide more opportunities for the trainees to familiarise themselves with the various templates, audit methodology, testing methods etc. Hence, it would also reduce the time spent for the seniors to explain the procedures during engagements. The company may have thought that it might not be cost-effective to spend time coaching the trainees as the internship would only be 6 months. However, I felt that if we a ttend the same events as our seniors, such as trainings and workshops, it would allow us to have a better view of the work environment in the company and appreciate the emphasis and efforts to promote continuous learning. After all, to achieve competitive advantage, trainings would be instrumental to develop and bring out individuals abilities. To have competitive advantage in the professional services industry, the professionals, which are the most valuable assets, must be able to increase their knowledge and develop skills at a faster rate than the competitors. As discussed with my senior, she agreed with my suggestion as she experienced difficulties and delays due to time taken to explain the concepts to her juniors. Secondly, the company should consider streamlining its expense claims process. Currently, for all staff, they would submit the expense claims on the portal iexpense. The expense claims would be processed via GIRO to the claimants accounts two weeks later. However, for vacation trainees and temporary staff, their expense claims can be converted to cash and be claimed upon approval from the manager. Because of this, we were approached by managers to claim the expenses under our names, so that they could receive the cash earlier. We were caught in an ethical dilemma and the expense claims for each of us were exceptionally high. In addition, I noticed that there is lack of segregation of duties, where there are cases that the managers incur expenses because they took taxis to the clients place for field review and they are also the one who approved their own taxi claims. Since they are also the approver, they could approve the taxi claims which were not used for business purposes. To de ter this happening in the future, I am proposing that the expense claims for vacation trainees and temporary staff to be processed via GIRO too. This move will reduce the cases where the trainees be asked to claim on behalf of the permanent staff, as we would also require the two weeks processing period. Furthermore, it would be cost and time-saving as the trainees do not need to proceed to finance department personally when we are always out on engagements and the GIRO application is swift and easy. For the expense claims incurred by the managers, they must be approved by the directors and partners of the engagement. While I understand that the lack of segregation of duties could easily be override by managers, by simply passing the receipts to their support and asking them to claim under their names. Random checks could be conducted with the knowledge that the managers would proceed to the clients place for field review at least once for each engagement, hence, logically, we would expect at least one claim relating to the particular client. There could be also a whistleblower avenue for the claimant to report to the finance department where their identity would be kept confidential. As discussed with my senior, she agreed with my suggestion and encouraged me to propose this to the finance management as she was also asked to do when she was a junior. As for the school, I would suggest that we remove elluminate chat session. The purpose of the chat session, in my opinion, was to provide a platform for the students to share their experiences and reflection with their liaison officers online. However, I felt that it was not as effective as the internet connection may lag or some students were working over-time and could not rush back in time. Also, when the liaison officers post a question, we did not have much time to think through. The chat session was in a hurry and we could not catch what our friends were saying before commenting. I would suggest that we adopt the use of online collaboration tools such as Stixy. It is a personal online notice board where each of us could input reflection, add photos, links and even share with other peers (Stixy, 2010). Please refer to Appendix C for screenshots of its functions.The assessment could be set in a way where the deadline could be stretched over a period of time rather than a 30-minut es chat session. Each student will be asked to decorate and update their notice board, with certain minimum requirements such as not more than 3 pictures allowed and reflection should have a minimum word requirement. After the deadline, the notice board will be shared to the rest of the students who are on the same internship to comment on. This collaboration tool is free, hence it reduces the cost of implementation. Secondly, it gives students the flexibility to carry out this assessment over a period of time. Furthermore, it encourages students to be creative in their presentation, ability to express themselves other than in words, which we usually do in discussion board. Secondly, I would like that the internship programme be much more structured in terms of preparing students, the activities, expectations and goal setting, so as to achieve an enriching experience for the interns. During the internship, I noticed that some of the interns felt lost, or even felt unjustified because they were asked to do administrative work. It is therefore important to put in place an integrated internship programme where in the companys perspective, the conversion of these interns to permanent staff and to in the students perspective, to eliminate the mentality of just an intern. To prepare them mentally and emotionally, I believe that these have been subsequently enhanced from the previous semesters, by the Dress to Impress! Workshop organised by BA Plus (Ngee Ann Polytechnic, 2010) and the compulsory year 1 module, CQ at Work conducted by the School of Interdisciplinary Studies (Ngee Ann Polytechnic, 2010). The school could discuss with the Human Resources Departme nt to come out with a list of activities that balances the on-the-job trainings with networking opportunities and community services. I also felt that the internship would be fruitful if the learning goals set at the commencement were achieved or if not achieved, be valuable learning experiences for all. The briefing given was not sufficient because it was a one-way communication from the module leader to the students. At the beginning, the interns should be asked to fill up a form on their expectations for this internship to allow the LOs and supervisors to better understand what they were expecting to achieve during this period. During the internship, the supervisors would spend time following up with the interns with their expectations set previously and keep track of their learning process. I understood that this form of goal-setting has been implemented in PwC. A sample of expectations questionnaire is attached in Appendix D. These expectations would then be followed up with the competencies chart, as attached in Appendix E, to allow the liaison officers and students to keep track of their learning process on a regular basis. I understand these additional processes would take up time and may not be well-received by students. However, going back to the objectives of the internship, it would be to provide practical experience for students and to effectively measure their learning process, it would be useful to guide them through their goal and expectation setting, so that they enter the work force with a fresh attitude and direction, rather than just learning from what they have been tasked. For example, if they are interested in financial services audit, even though they have not been given a chance to be involved in one, they should note down what are the different resources that they have seek from. The companies have rich databases sources and definitely, seniors would be willing to share their experiences with them. Key takeaway personal achievement As I reflect, I felt that the key takeaway for me is to maintain a positive attitude and zest in the tasks I do. Positive attitude that I am referring to, are the eagerness to learn, initiative to ask, taking ownership, the courage to make mistakes, the perseverance in getting the right solutions, the flexibility to try other suggestions, along with the energy and support to complete the engagement. These may sound a mouthful, but it does stem from having a positive outlook to things in life. Attitude is especially significant to me because I have seen how I was shaped from the start to the end of this internship. At the beginning, I was disappointed with myself as I was slow in understanding the concepts and in carrying out vouching. Moreover, my team in-charge told me on a personal note that I was not suitable for auditing. From then on, I was afraid to clarify my doubts and tried to avoid all troubles if possible. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to speak to my engagements manager during a casual chat. She told me that the evaluation that I got was reasonable and encouraged me to continue with my internship. I thought to myself that maybe this could be an isolated incident. I should not allow other peoples opinions to affect my aspirations. I should have been more sensitive with my seniors workloads by researching in the databases before approaching them with questions. For the next few engagements, I proceeded with a changed attitude. With enthusiasm, I approached my team in-charges to ask if there was anything that I could help with. Normally, they would ask me to map the trial balance and read last years documentation. When there are any documentation that I am unsure of, I will read the audit programme and find out the rationale for the testing methods. Sometimes, I am unable to complete the mapping of the trial balance, I will discuss with my senior and update them on what I have done and which are the areas that they need to clarify with the previous audit teams. I took my seniors feedback seriously and in order to expedite my work, I would read up the walkthrough documentation and familiarise myself with the key management personnel and the filling system. During the weekends, I would also read up the audit guide, and would check with my seniors if they are available before I clarify my doubts. The brand new attitude was like the key that opens the doors of opportunities. If I did not walk out from the setbacks, I would have resigned myself to merely vouching and not be able to be in-charge of sections. There are bound to be challenges ahead, but I believe that the attitude will see me through. Conclusion As interns, the challenges that I have mentioned above may not be affect us directly as we do not sign the accounts. However, this does not necessary mean that we play a small part in the audit of the financial statements. From assisting with planning, fieldwork and all the way to its completion as mentioned in my interim report, these six months was never easy. As I reflect, I was once affected by the seniors feedback and was even demoralised for not being appreciated for the efforts that I have put in. I was surprised that I have the perseverance and commitment that go through thick stacks of documents, worked till midnight and on weekends too. It was then a chance to discover my interests and strengths. The internship programme has definitely given me a broad view of the rigorous corporate world which demands a lot of efforts from one self. It has allowed me to apply what I have learnt in school as I felt that we learn continuously in life and witness what I have sow, is not so much about the results, but to see that these skills have been put to proper use in the future. Speaking of which, I have utilised these skills and learnt some, especially soft skills like communication skills, the courage to speak, people-management skills that will stay with me for life. This internship was especially significant because the information that I obtained from the clients and source documents went under my hands, something lifeless and raw were eventually translated into audit documentation to test the reasonableness and to achieve the audit objectives. It was even more satisfying when the whole team saw the work that worked so hard during many late nights were eventually drafted into the financial statements. While skills are important, I felt that the people that have came into my life weighs more. The bonds that I have formed with my colleagues and clients were priceless. They were the ones that you could pull a chair and chat with them for an hour, took initiative to ask if they could help you. I felt the support and comfort from them as work was particularly enjoyable. To sum it up, this internship programme has given the exposure that I needed and created the environment that I could explore and learn. Appendices Appendix A Organisation Structure of Department OU5 (As of Dec 2010) Reporting to 132 Appendix B Newspaper Article It could have started earlier than thought ; Ex-SLA executives alleged involvement in fraud may have begun in 2005 Leong Wee Keat Leong Wee Keat 20 November 2010 TODAY (Singapore) (c) 2010. MediaCorp Press Ltd. SINGAPORE In a further twist to the largest suspected fraud in the civil service, investigators now believe that one of the accused began cheating the State years before he joined the Singapore Land Authority, where his alleged crimes were first discovered. On Friday, former SLA deputy director Koh Seah Wee (picture) was charged with cheating the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (Ipos) when he was assistant director of its Information Technology Department from July 2004 to March 2007. Koh, 40, purportedly conspired with Chartered Systems Services to enable the business to win IT contracts from Ipos. The company would submit payment invoices for fictitious goods and services, which Koh would certify even though nothing was delivered. Eight fraudulent transactions, amounting to about $286,000, are thought to have occurred between December 2005 and March 2007. Investigations against Kohs activities in Ipos are continuing, according to a joint statement from Ipos and the Law Ministry. While a previous cheating scam involving former Trade Development Board chief executive officer Yeo Seng Teck had gone on for a longer period for five years, between June 1988 and July 1993 -investigations into Koh have turned to his time at the Supreme Court, where he was deployed before July 2004. Koh now faces a total of 302 charges, while former SLA manager Christopher Lim Chai Meng, 37, faces 309. Both men bought luxury cars from the alleged $12.1 million they siphoned from SLA between November 2007 and March this year. Ipos conducted its internal investigation after the purported SLA fraud came to light in June. An independent review panel was convened and it recommended improvements to Ipos internal controls, systems and processes, which have since been implemented. These included strengthening internal audit structures and processes, centralising the procurement process and ensuring the purchasing officer and the receiving officer are different individuals, read the joint statement. Ipos said its financial statements and accounts were audited externally, not by the Auditor-Generals Office, during the time the alleged offences took place. This was done in accordance with the Auditor- Generals requirements. The audits conducted were statutory audits of financial statements and compliance audits designed to ensure compliance with finance procedures and processes. These types of audit may not always be able to pick up such fraudulent activities, Ipos said. Disciplinary investigations of officers whose lapses in supervision may have contributed to the fraud going undetected are in progress. Action will be taken, if found appropriate, said Ipos. Kohs case will be mentioned again on Dec 3. Appendix C Stixy Appendix D Setting of expectations Internship Programme Expectations Company: ______________________ Supervisors name: ______________ Liaison Officers name: ___________ Student Name: __________________ What are some of expectations that you have for this internship programme? What are some of the activities that you hope to attend during the internship programme? What are some of the learning goals that you hope to achieve by the end of the internship programme? How do you think the company can help to enrich your internship experience and your career aspirations? Appendix E Competency Chart
Sunday, January 19, 2020
A Scientific Solution to the Whaling Problem
Science faces a dilemma when it comes to consider the breakdown of society in the face of technological advance. The situation is even more difficult when science takes the environmentalist stance and then finds itself in opposition to native culture, which it also wants to preserve. Anthropological studies have shown that many cultures around the world are integrally linked to whaling, both economically and culturally. But now that whales are facing extinction, the scientific community must make a decision as to which is more worth preservation, native human cultures, or the population of whales. In my opinion, science should support the latter cause. It is an accepted tenet of modern life that technological advance breaks down old modes of social solidarity, and introduces new forms of connectedness. These new spheres of connection bypass locality and ethnicity, so that the tendency is towards a global culture and economy. What seems to be initially a cultural loss is not so, for culture is evolving in step with technology. However, the extinction of whales is a true and final loss. In 1999 the international whaling commission lifted its moratorium and allowed the Makah Indians of Washington State to hunt whales for the first time in 70 years. Charlotte Cote, a descendant of whaling Indians, enthuses over the decision, and describes how whaling has â€Å"reaffirmed their identity as a whaling people and providing a symbol for tribal resiliency, adaptability, and cultural survival†(2006, p. 177). However, Richard Caulfield, who has carried out extensive research into the whaling tribes of Greenland, opines that we cannot view these cultures in isolation, and these people have always retained links to mainland Europe. The recent speed of technological advance has only intensified these links. It is obligatory, therefore, that the remote whaling communities collaborate with the international community (Nuttall 1998, p. 831). The best role for the scientific community would, thus, be to effect a dialogue between the natives and the international body politic, while carrying out research from both points of view.
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